Smart Info technology

Enel Distribuzione propone una nuova tecnologia per il monitoraggio energetico e coinvolge direttamente ilevia srl, azienda che opera in Italia e nel mondo nel settore dell’IoT (Internet of Things) e della home & building automation, per la divulgazione di questa...

iBeacon technology

iBeacon technology iBeacon technology is one of the things that make you think it could change our way of living. Within few years we will see this device everywhere around us. The main reason is that it provides new functions to our smartphones. It works like a...

Simons Voss Integration

Simons Voss Integration We are proud to show you the integration between EVE and SimonsVoss technology. You can now detect who comes in and out from the building and start a specific scenario. You can also open doors remotely from your smart device....

Home automation control with Microsoft Kinect

Home automation control with Microsoft Kinect

The new Microsoft Kinect 2 is a very smart device that can be used in many different situations for lots of different purposes, included for home automation control. It allows the control through facial expressions, gestures, speech, voice direction and more. Thanks...

Using Excel to control Home/Building Automation

Home automation means doing something when something happens. Easy to say but not so easy to define and accomplish. Every system is different and it's needs can change during the time. After a lot of thinking about the best user interface to use to give freedom to...

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